What is ESG Investing?


About the Author

geniffer takacs

true Geniffer Takacs, CFA [Torrance, California]

Director of Portfolio Management
Torrance, California

One of the most significant shifts in recent times has been the growing interest in ESG investing. But what exactly is ESG investing, and why should you consider it? EP Wealth breaks it down for you.

Learn More About ESG Investing With EP Wealth

As the Director of Portfolio Management at EP Wealth, I've seen firsthand how the landscape of investing has evolved over the years. One of the most significant shifts I’ve seen in recent times has been the growing interest in ESG investing. But what exactly is ESG investing, and why should you consider it? Let me break it down for you.

What Is ESG Investing?

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. It's an approach to investing that goes beyond traditional financial metrics to consider a company's impact on the world around us. ESG investing evolved from what we used to call Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) but with a crucial difference.

While SRI often focuses on excluding certain companies or sectors based on ethical considerations, ESG takes a more nuanced approach. Instead of simply avoiding "bad" companies, we look for the "best in class" across all sectors. This means we can maintain diversification in your portfolio while still aligning with your values.

ESG Investing in Practice

So, what does this look like in the real world? Let's take the energy sector as an example. An SRI approach might avoid energy companies altogether due to environmental concerns. With ESG, we instead look for energy companies that are leading the way in reducing their carbon footprint or investing in renewable technologies. This way, you're not missing out on potential returns from an entire sector, but you're supporting companies that are making positive changes.

At EP Wealth, we believe that ESG factors can provide valuable insights into a company's long-term sustainability and risk profile. For instance, a bank that invests heavily in data privacy and cybersecurity (a social factor) may be better positioned to minimize costly data breaches. An energy company with strong environmental policies might be less likely to face expensive clean-up costs or regulatory fines.

ESG Investing as a Long-Term Strategy

One of the most common questions I hear is, "Will I have to sacrifice returns if I invest in ESG?" The short answer is: not necessarily.

While there may be some short-term trade-offs, particularly in years where certain sectors outperform (like commodities in 2022), the long-term picture is what matters most. Many studies have shown that companies with strong ESG profiles can perform as well as, or even better than, their peers over time.

When you work with an EP Wealth advisor, we'll typically bring up ESG considerations early in our relationship. We want to understand all aspects of your financial life, including your values and what matters most to you. If ESG aligns with your goals, we can create a portfolio that reflects these priorities.

It's important to note that ESG investing isn't about finding perfect companies – because, frankly, they don't exist. Every company has strengths and weaknesses. Our job is to find those that are making genuine efforts to improve and lead in their respective areas.

Challenges and Opportunities of ESG Investing

Of course, ESG investing isn't without its challenges. One of the biggest is the lack of standardized metrics across the industry. Different rating agencies might score the same company differently based on their methodologies.

At EP Wealth, we navigate this challenge by looking at multiple sources and focusing on the ESG factors most relevant to each specific industry.

Looking ahead, I believe ESG considerations will become an increasingly integral part of the investment process, even for traditional portfolios. It's not just about feeling good about your investments – it's about recognizing the very real risks and opportunities that environmental, social and governance factors present.

As consumers and investors continue to demand more accountability from corporations, companies that lag in ESG factors may find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. On the flip side, those leading in ESG might be better positioned to capture new opportunities and minimize potential pitfalls.

EP Wealth Is Charting a Course for ESG Investing

At EP Wealth, we're committed to staying at the forefront of these trends. We continuously educate ourselves on the latest developments in ESG investing to provide our clients with informed, balanced advice.

Remember, investing is a long-term journey, and ESG is just one of many factors to consider. Whether you're passionate about environmental issues, concerned about social equality or interested in companies with strong governance practices, we're here to help you create a portfolio that aligns with your financial goals and personal values.

If you're curious about how ESG investing might fit into your financial plan, I encourage you to reach out to an EP Wealth advisor. We'd be happy to discuss your goals and explore how we can help you invest in a way that's good for your portfolio – and the world.


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