Financial Challenges for
Professional Women
Women currently hold the majority of wealth in the U.S., and as they inherit assets from their parents and spouses in the “Great Wealth Transfer,” this shift in economic power will continue to grow. Women also make up the majority of Bachelors, Masters and PhD candidates (U.S. Department of Education) but continue to face pay gaps and investing gaps. And women, who tend to live longer than men, may need their money to last longer and likely cover more long-term medical care costs than their male counterparts (BMO Wealth Institute).
EP Wealth believes in educating and encouraging women to help them step into their financial power. Our Women’s Initiative helps women build their financial knowledge and confidence to help them to achieve their financial goals.
Our Women’s Initiative focuses on our clients, colleagues, and community by providing tools and information to help them grow their careers, personal wealth, and financial knowledge. We also support our female colleagues to create a diverse culture that attracts and promotes women.
We owe it to future generations to inspire the women of today to harness the power of planning and investing to build their wealth and secure the future they have earned.
It all started with a lunch. In a rapidly growing firm, we wanted to bring the women together to get to know one another. It turned into a monthly tradition, and after sharing the stories, challenges, and successes we were all experiencing, we realized the women of EP Wealth Advisors were creating something much, much bigger. We created a women's initiative, which we call "Investing in Women."

Colleagues • Clients • Community
At EP Wealth Advisors, “Investing in Women” is centered on the "Three C's:" colleagues, clients, and community. Through our Three C’s program, our women colleagues are inspired to succeed by creating partnerships and open communications between clients, advisors, and planners where they can openly discuss the financial issues that impact their lives, while enriching our communities through education and philanthropic outreach. EP Wealth Advisors can help you live your life to the fullest while leaving a profound footprint on the world around us.
How We are Creating a Women-Friendly
Community at EP Wealth Advisors
We want to provide a workplace culture where women can speak openly about the firm and how to make it better. To do so, we created defined career paths within departments and career development opportunities; and we have introduced a mentorship program that matches junior colleagues with a more senior team member. We've also garnered the support of our leadership team to ensure all team members share the initiative’s collective objectives and enthusiasm.
Personal Financial Advisors for Women
We do not just make investment recommendations; we help you truly understand your portfolio and how your finances can help you reach your life goals. At EP Wealth, our process is inclusive, focused on education and collaboration, involving all those affected by your financial plan.
EP Wealth Invests in Women in the Community
The Investing in Women initiative extends beyond our firm-wide goals to the larger community. In addition to attending national conferences where key members of our team address the benefits of attracting more women to the financial planning industry, we've focused on educating younger generations on the importance of financial literacy. Through the creation of EP Wealth's financial literacy program, we've been able to build a bridge to our local communities and host workshops as a way to connect with kids at a young age on money habits and potential careers in finance before they get to college. We believe every young person should have basic financial education, and by empowering future generations to talk about money, we can positively impact our shared futures.
7 Money Moves for Your Financial Well-being
Do you have reservations about managing money? Or are you so busy that you’ve decided to delegate these responsibilities to your spouse?